Stock Simulator Competition

Any undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Austin may enroll.

The Contest

What is a stock market simulator?

The stock market simulator replicates the features of the live stock market in an environment without financial risk. This allows students to practice their trading skills before they start investing their money.

How does it work?

When you sign up, you will get $100,000 in Investopedia Money (NOT Real $$). The player with the greatest returns at the end of the competition will win the cash prize of $300! Second Place will win $100 and Third Place will win $50!

Who can sign up?

Any undergraduate student at the University of Texas at Austin may enroll in the competition.

How can I learn more about investing?

Upon enrolling in the contest, you will receive an email inviting you to attend one of our Investing 101 webinars! This is not required, but it is a great resource to learn basic investing principles.