President and Founder

Frankie Rose

Hi, my name is Frankie Rose and I am the Founder and President of the Financial Literacy Club 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. I founded the Financial Literacy Club when I was a sophomore in high school in response to discovering the lack of financial literacy education in many schools across the country. Now, I am a sophomore business student at the University of Texas at Austin’s McCombs School of Business majoring in Finance and minoring in Management Information Systems. During my freshman year at UT Austin I conducted a research survey with 1000+ student responses about the financial literacy of undergraduate students at the University of Texas at Austin. 

Over 96% of UT Austin students agreed that they are interested in increasing their personal finance knowledge. Over 90% of UT Austin students agreed that college students should have more required financial literacy education. Yet, less than 50% of UT Austin students agreed that they have the resources to educate themselves about personal finance. Inspired by the shocking results of my research survey, I knew I wanted to found the Financial Literacy Club @UT Austin so that I could contribute in a meaningful way to make a difference within our community.